
Z6049/S17591, S19344

J2a-Z6048: refinement in the no-Caucasus J2a* clade

Recent new NextGenSequence results being derived/positive for J2a-Z6048 (old J2a* and without considerable Caucasus presence like the brother SK1321/Y12622) allowed a substantial improvement of the phylogeny. See also tree.j2-m172.info/?Hg=J2a1b1, yfull.com/tree/J-Z6050/ Wim Penninx helped by filtering reliable combBED area SNPs from the two Punjab samples. The YFull raw-data analysis of the Sardinian samples is the only way to reconstruct satisfyingly reliable […]

J2a-Z6049: finally more substructure in this old J2a* clade

I worked trough the evidence for this old J2a clade for ISOGG certification and found new structure: http://tree.j2-m172.info/?Hg=J2a1b Z6049 is equivalent to S18476/SK2198. A new subclade is SK1312 for whom so far all Georgian BigY are positive: 270352, 259005, 258936 Since Z6048 has no coverage in BigY we have to wait until FTDNA is able to complete the BigY of […]

J2 phylogeny in 1000 Genomes Project

Under the lead of Greg Magoon a group of citizen scientists (including J2-M172 team members Bonnie Schrack and Chris Rottensteiner) were involved in the analysis of a high-resolution a priori maximum parsimony Y-chromosome (“chrY”) phylogeny created from data of 1292 male samples in the 1000 Genomes Project. 63 of those samples are in haplogroup J2-M172 (42 in J2a and 21 […]