
Qataris subpopulations (Bedouin, Persian-South Asian, African) harbor J2 haplogroup

Rodriguez-Flores et al 2016 in their study about the ancient Eurasian population split sequenced with a median depth of 37× 108 purportedly unrelated individuals who are citizens of the nation of Qatar. 56 of them are of indigenous Bedouin ancestry who are the best representatives of autochthonous Arabs. Genetically most of them could be placed in three distinct clusters: 60 […]

Bekada et al 2015 have published their paper “Genetic Heterogeneity in Algerian Human Populations”. In the present Algerian study only one J2a -M410 was found in North-west Oran1. Combined with earlier studies 8 J2 samples out of 305 total (Y-STR19 haplotypes + major Y-SNPs, S1 Table). By comparison there are 54 J1-M267 samples. IMHO another puzzle piece making early J2 expansion over Northwest Africa to Iberia/Europe unlikely. Other routes seem to be better expansion vectors.

J2 phylogeny in 1000 Genomes Project

Under the lead of Greg Magoon a group of citizen scientists (including J2-M172 team members Bonnie Schrack and Chris Rottensteiner) were involved in the analysis of a high-resolution a priori maximum parsimony Y-chromosome (“chrY”) phylogeny created from data of 1292 male samples in the 1000 Genomes Project. 63 of those samples are in haplogroup J2-M172 (42 in J2a and 21 […]