Yearly Archives: 2014

Ancient Y-DNA discussion: no J2a in pre-Bronze Europe?

UPDATE 10 November 2014: The publication of DNA data from Neolithic to Iron Age Hungary did make a revision of this article necessary, as the sample BR2 (ca. 3,200 years old) was found to be positive for J2a-M67-CTS3261 (Kandell T.). His autosomal analysis lets suspect that he descends mainly from Western ancestors with no near connections to Anatolia Caucasus or […]

First Stats based on regrouping in J-Project@FTDNA (1,503 J2 kits). See Google J2-M172_spreadsheet > Stats Main Groups > 2014-01-06 (in order of importance):  J2a1a1b1a1-M67 28.1%, J2a1a1a1-L24 23.5%, J2b2a1-L283 10.7%, J2a1b-Z6046 5.5%, J2a1a1a2-PF5197 5.4%, J2a1a1b-PF5116 (xM67,M319) 4,4%, J2a1a2-Z6055 4.1 %, J2a2-PF5008,L581 3.4%, J2a1a1b1a1-M319 2.7%, J2b1-M205 2.3%, etc.