
J2a1-PF7413(xPF7415): refinement and new subclade Z40257, Z40258 1

In spring 2015 the articles J2a-L26* SNP found: Z6064? New seldom clade J2a-PH890 and Structure for the J2a-SK1363 clade (including Montgomery, etc. clusters) explained the knowledge about the so far mainly European Z35789, Z35788 subclade. The Montgomery Ireland/Scotland Kits 182443/YF02153, 37060 had known BigY results then. Kit N63471/YF03987 Hunt England later allowed to split the tree into Z35789, Z35788 > […]

J2a1-PF5172(xPF5169): third NGS available and new subclade Z40014,Z40015

J2a1-PF5172,PF5190 seems a very old haplogroup: YFull YTree v4.3 J-PF5172 estimates the TMRCA to 14,300 years. In May 2015 the first upload of a J2a1-PF5172(xPF5169) NGS result to YFull (BigY 217812/YF03340 Armenia) allowed to compare the novel YFS SNPs with the tur-7 Turkey (Hallast et al 2014) sample as well as get the above stated time estimate. The comparison resulted in […]

new splits for J2a1-Z6064(xZ6063): PH4959>PH4099>Z40055

I was able to analyze BigY SNP files and BigY matches of 410707 Qatar and 422501 Bahrain/Qatar (Iran in image is an error). See http://tree.j2-m172.info/?Hg=J2a1a2b http://www.yfull.com/tree/J-Z6064/ I was able to find new haplogroups and defining SNPs: 21649216 A G J2a1a2b PH4856 21826003 C A J2a1a2b PH4959 18931176 A G J2a1a2b1 approx. PH4099 14095703 G T J2a1a2b1 approx. PH890 22735991 T […]

J2a-Z6064(xZ6063) confirmed and new split of PH4959,PH4856 (upstream) and PH4099,PH890 (downstream).

See earlier post: J2a-L26* SNP found: Z6064? New seldom clade J2a-PH890 I have done analysis on the new BigY result of 410707 Qatar. He splits the haplogroup so far shared only of 14919/YF03482 Fryer and Pal-5257 Palestinian into PH4959,PH4856 (shared) and PH4099,PH890 (unshared). So the current path from J2a ancestor down to 14919 now is: J2a PF4610>L26>Z6064>PH4959>PH890 See Research tree link […]

More terminal position of former J2a-L26* Cluster F*

Position found trough a Y-STR67 match not in the J2 project being J-Y7708: J2a-L26>PF5087>PF5116>Z2227>Z6065>Y7708>Z39478?(xM47,P81) One of the last bigger haplotype clusters existing at the begin of 2013 (before Geno 2.0) has found an informative place. See one of my earliest studies figshare.com/articles/J2a_M410_subclades_and_clusters_overview/106387 Thanks to the early J2 haplotype cluster researchers Bonnie Schrack​, Angela Cone​, wo did the founding grouping. Surnames […]