ancient DNA

Y-SNP analysis of I4331, J2b2a-L283, Bronze Age Croatia – Mathieson et al. 2018

New DNA paper from Mathieson et al. 2018, The Genomic History of Southeastern Europe, gave us ancient DNA data from 225 individuals who lived in southeastern Europe and surroundings. Supplementary information from the paper states one of the sites analyzed was the Veliki Vanik burial mound, which is located near the town of Vrgorac in Split-Dalmatia County, in southern Croatia. […]

ancient Zagros J2b* Iran (Abdul Hosein, Early Neolithic) – Broushaki et al.

New J2b data from Broushaki et al. 2016 (BAM raw data): AH2 West Iran Early Neolithic (8205–7756 BC): one of three individuals. From Tepe Abdul Hosein located South East of Ganj Dareh in Central Zagros. Broushaki et al. not assigned, Genetiker J2b-M12* Own analysis: J2b-M12(xCTS560,Z620). Coverage is low but ok. Of 40 J2b SNPs 10 had positive (derived) calls and […]

first ancient J2 from Iran (Mesolithic, Copper Age) and Levant (Bronze Age) – Lazaridis et al. first farmers

The dataset of the huge Lazaridis et al. 2016 paper is available for download (Reich Lab, BAM raw data). Great that the authors released the data before formal publication and even before peer review. Those three new study samples have J2 Y-DNA: I1293 North Iran Mesolithic (HotuIIIb): 1.5-2 year old individual. From Hotu Cave located in the foothills of the […]

exogenous Roman era York 3DRIF-26 is J2b1-M205 and likely Middle Easterner

The years 2014 and 2015 did provide useful ancient genomes NGS data in an increasing manner (see ancient J2-M172 genomes). For J2 the year 2016 could not begin more exciting: Martiniano et al published a paper about nine ancient genomes from northern Britain: Genomic signals of migration and continuity in Britain before the Anglo-Saxons. As introduction to the sample of interest […]

J2a2-PH3085,SK1403: Ancient Altai, modern Uygur and Turkish

The huge Allentoft et al. 2015 research with low-coverage genomes from 101 ancient humans from across Eurasia included two males from Altai Iron Age (900 BC to 1000 AD) in the same J2a2 haplogroup (see Altai archaeology). Even more intriguing is that the ancient genomes share unique Y-SNPs with two modern samples: one Uygur and one Turkish, currently best named […]

Three J2 found at Merovingian buriel site (Roman-Frankish transitional period)

Thanks to the find of Irakli Akhvlediani with post to the J2 Fb group and the translation of Robert Sanders we gathered this fascinating information. Het Merovingisch grafveld, in: R.C.G.M. Lauwerier & J.W. De Kort 2014: Merovingers in een villa 2. Romeinse villa en Merovingisch grafveld Borgharen – Pasestraat. Onderzoek 2012. Amersfoort (Rapportage Archeologische Monumentenzorg 222), 211-220. Robert: The people […]

Ancient Y-DNA discussion: no J2a in pre-Bronze Europe?

UPDATE 10 November 2014: The publication of DNA data from Neolithic to Iron Age Hungary did make a revision of this article necessary, as the sample BR2 (ca. 3,200 years old) was found to be positive for J2a-M67-CTS3261 (Kandell T.). His autosomal analysis lets suspect that he descends mainly from Western ancestors with no near connections to Anatolia Caucasus or […]