J2-M172 Stats from FTDNA Y-DNA Haplotree (BigY) and YFull YTree

Current subclades (FamilyTreeDNA) and id’s (YFull YTree v11.04.00) analysis. It is biased against customers of Y-clusters or regions of which descendants do more BigY/NGS testing (Ashkenazi/Europe, Northwest Europe, Georgia, Armenia, Rhine/Germans, Arabia, Russia, others Europe, etc.). Most common major subgroups:J2a-L26 73.5%J2a-M67 26.3%J2a-L24 24.8%J2b 20.7%J2a-PF5197 9.1 % Most common (3+%) from the 46 Pre-Chalcolithic J-M172 main sub-haplogroups (defined 2021)J2b-M102>Z529>Z1827>Z593>M241>L283 11.5%J2a-CTS7683>L26>PF5088>PF5160>L24>Z393>L25>Z7700,F3133 11.4%J2a-CTS7683>L26>PF5088>PF5125>Z2227>L558>M67>Z1847>Z7671>CTS3261>CTS6619,Z7661 10.7%J2a-CTS7683>L26>PF5088>PF5160>L24>Z393>L25>Z438 9.2%J2a-CTS7683>L26>PF5088>PF5125>Z2227>L558>M67>Z1847>PF5132>M92 7.1%J2b-M102>Z529>M205 5.3%J2a-CTS7683>L26>PF5088>PF5125>Z2227>Z6065>Y7708>Y7702>M47 4.0%J2a-CTS7683>L26>PF5088>PF5160>L24>Z393>L25>PF4888 3.6%J2a-CTS7683>L26>Z6064>Z6061>Z6057 3.4%J2a-CTS7683>L26>PF5088>PF5160>PF5197>PF5172>Z7314>PF5169>PF5174 3.2%J2a-CTS7683>L26>PF5088>PF5160>PF5197>PF5172>Z7314>PF5169>FGC16096>PH4970,Y14400 3.0% See https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Kfvde5gHQ0EVV9lLVnjMLgtyOgLJQPZdywqyu2-idSc/edit?usp=sharing 

J2-M172@FTDNA Project Administration Changes Announcement

As many of you may know or have noticed the main Administration and Support of the J2-M172@FTDNA Project by Chris Rottensteiner since February 2017 has declined considerably, caused by considerably less free time which makes volunteer working  on the daily and weekly tasks impossible at the same pace as I did from 2012 to 2016 . My fellow Co-Admins in J2 […]

FTDNA J2 Haplogroups & SNPs September 2015

FTDNA J2 Tree 17th September 2015 edited to show important SNPs from SNP Packs also included in J2-M172 Research Tree simplified Y-DNA Haplotree Created in partnership with Haplogroup J-M172 This lineage originated in the northern portion of the Fertile Crescent where it later spread throughout central Asia, the Mediterranean, and south into India. As with other populations with Mediterranean ancestry […]

FTDNA J-M172 SNP Pack (xM67,L24) Beta release

Suggestions for members of the J2-M172 Project@FTDNA: 109 SNPs downstream of M172, see J2-FTDNA-SNP-pack_2015-09-09_and-research-tree.PDF optimized for all currently researched subclades except M67 and L24 (will have their own SNP Pack) recommended for kits who won’t invest in NGS (BigY) and like to get a good value for 1/5 of the BigY price recommended for kits without SNP testing who do […]

FTDNA J2 Haplogroups & SNPs April 2015

FTDNA J2 Tree 28th April 2015 edited to show important SNP also included in J2-M172 Research Tree simplified Y-DNA Haplotree Created in partnership with Haplogroup J-M172 This lineage originated in the northern portion of the Fertile Crescent where it later spread throughout central Asia, the Mediterranean, and south into India. As with other populations with Mediterranean ancestry this lineage is […]

First Stats based on regrouping in J-Project@FTDNA (1,503 J2 kits). See Google J2-M172_spreadsheet > Stats Main Groups > 2014-01-06 (in order of importance):  J2a1a1b1a1-M67 28.1%, J2a1a1a1-L24 23.5%, J2b2a1-L283 10.7%, J2a1b-Z6046 5.5%, J2a1a1a2-PF5197 5.4%, J2a1a1b-PF5116 (xM67,M319) 4,4%, J2a1a2-Z6055 4.1 %, J2a2-PF5008,L581 3.4%, J2a1a1b1a1-M319 2.7%, J2b1-M205 2.3%, etc.

J/J2 fusion under way @ FTDNA 1

J2-Project admin Angela Cone who has blogged in Nov. 2012 about the reasons of low activity since 2008: “Sir Nico, Earthquakes, and Hypodopaminergia” and already announced her wish to have of team of  co-admins, everyone dedicated to a speciality area. “Before this new J2 project incarnation can fully emerge, there will be a period of metamorphosis over the next few months.  Behind […]

Y-DNA J-Project @FTDNA History 2006-2013

The “J-Project” was founded by Bonnie Schrack in 2006 and until 2013 has done considerable research in the J2 area, mainly SNP research (Z385-Z639, Z2220-Z2397) from public Y-Sequences to improve the Haplogroup-Phylogeny and provide updates to the ISOGG tree (accepted also by scientists). To backup important news from this time period and make them available for search here, a copy […]

J2 Y-DNA Project @FTDNA History 2007-2013

The “J2 Y-DNA Project ” was founded by Costa Tsirigakis and Angela Cone in 2006 and until 2013 has done considerable research in the J2 area, mainly STR-Cluster research to provide an answer to the question if sub-clades can be reliably predicted from extended haplotypes. See Site Map for full content of the original pages (Scientific process, Third phase results, […]