
full Y-chromosome readout (basepairs)

J2-M172 Stats from FTDNA Y-DNA Haplotree (BigY) and YFull YTree

Current subclades (FamilyTreeDNA) and id’s (YFull YTree v11.04.00) analysis. It is biased against customers of Y-clusters or regions of which descendants do more BigY/NGS testing (Ashkenazi/Europe, Northwest Europe, Georgia, Armenia, Rhine/Germans, Arabia, Russia, others Europe, etc.). Most common major subgroups:J2a-L26 73.5%J2a-M67 26.3%J2a-L24 24.8%J2b 20.7%J2a-PF5197 9.1 % Most common (3+%) from the 46 Pre-Chalcolithic J-M172 main sub-haplogroups (defined 2021)J2b-M102>Z529>Z1827>Z593>M241>L283 11.5%J2a-CTS7683>L26>PF5088>PF5160>L24>Z393>L25>Z7700,F3133 11.4%J2a-CTS7683>L26>PF5088>PF5125>Z2227>L558>M67>Z1847>Z7671>CTS3261>CTS6619,Z7661 10.7%J2a-CTS7683>L26>PF5088>PF5160>L24>Z393>L25>Z438 9.2%J2a-CTS7683>L26>PF5088>PF5125>Z2227>L558>M67>Z1847>PF5132>M92 7.1%J2b-M102>Z529>M205 5.3%J2a-CTS7683>L26>PF5088>PF5125>Z2227>Z6065>Y7708>Y7702>M47 4.0%J2a-CTS7683>L26>PF5088>PF5160>L24>Z393>L25>PF4888 3.6%J2a-CTS7683>L26>Z6064>Z6061>Z6057 3.4%J2a-CTS7683>L26>PF5088>PF5160>PF5197>PF5172>Z7314>PF5169>PF5174 3.2%J2a-CTS7683>L26>PF5088>PF5160>PF5197>PF5172>Z7314>PF5169>FGC16096>PH4970,Y14400 3.0% See https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Kfvde5gHQ0EVV9lLVnjMLgtyOgLJQPZdywqyu2-idSc/edit?usp=sharing 

J2-M172@FTDNA Project Administration Changes Announcement

As many of you may know or have noticed the main Administration and Support of the J2-M172@FTDNA Project by Chris Rottensteiner since February 2017 has declined considerably, caused by considerably less free time which makes volunteer working  on the daily and weekly tasks impossible at the same pace as I did from 2012 to 2016 . My fellow Co-Admins in J2 […]

ancient Zagros J2b* Iran (Abdul Hosein, Early Neolithic) – Broushaki et al.

New J2b data from Broushaki et al. 2016 (BAM raw data): AH2 West Iran Early Neolithic (8205–7756 BC): one of three individuals. From Tepe Abdul Hosein located South East of Ganj Dareh in Central Zagros. Broushaki et al. not assigned, Genetiker J2b-M12* Own analysis: J2b-M12(xCTS560,Z620). Coverage is low but ok. Of 40 J2b SNPs 10 had positive (derived) calls and […]

first ancient J2 from Iran (Mesolithic, Copper Age) and Levant (Bronze Age) – Lazaridis et al. first farmers

The dataset of the huge Lazaridis et al. 2016 paper is available for download (Reich Lab, BAM raw data). Great that the authors released the data before formal publication and even before peer review. Those three new study samples have J2 Y-DNA: I1293 North Iran Mesolithic (HotuIIIb): 1.5-2 year old individual. From Hotu Cave located in the foothills of the […]

J2a1-S15439,L198: M419 NGS available and new subclade Z40067,Z40068 1

Since almost a year ago (see FGC16096 unites L198,L433 and L1064 under PF5169) it was known that FGC16096>L433>M419 and that S15439 and other equivalent SNPs were shared by 192731/YF03103 and two Dutch men (GoNL project). During the Christmas sale it was possible to fund one NGS BigY testing for the M419 sample (271420 Lieb Germany) thanks to the donors in […]

Qataris subpopulations (Bedouin, Persian-South Asian, African) harbor J2 haplogroup

Rodriguez-Flores et al 2016 in their study about the ancient Eurasian population split sequenced with a median depth of 37× 108 purportedly unrelated individuals who are citizens of the nation of Qatar. 56 of them are of indigenous Bedouin ancestry who are the best representatives of autochthonous Arabs. Genetically most of them could be placed in three distinct clusters: 60 […]

exogenous Roman era York 3DRIF-26 is J2b1-M205 and likely Middle Easterner

The years 2014 and 2015 did provide useful ancient genomes NGS data in an increasing manner (see ancient J2-M172 genomes). For J2 the year 2016 could not begin more exciting: Martiniano et al published a paper about nine ancient genomes from northern Britain: Genomic signals of migration and continuity in Britain before the Anglo-Saxons. As introduction to the sample of interest […]

Y-chromosome Haplogroup J-M172 subclades update with primary SNPs

Combined J2 Phylogeny from almost all available public and DTC sources. Included are ca. 200 informative subclades (pre Middle Age) as well as more recent haplogroups (low-diversity/Middle Age or Clans/Surnames). The phylogeny is available as Tree with primary SNPs (searchable PDF) and Spreadsheet with details for the selected primary SNPs. This data is an output of the constantly updated online […]

Structure for the J2a-SK1363 clade (including Montgomery, etc. clusters)

Not all finds are entirely new: it was certified since 2014 that (now) SK1363 members share upstream haplogroups Z6060,Z6059 and Z6057,Z6056 with one of the oldest known J2a haplogroups: M68 (so far very seldom in the DTC-field) also thanks to the data of sample 295681/YF02117 Netherlands. In an earlier post the Z6064 split immediately below L26 and upstream of Z6060,Z6059 […]

Substantial new subgroups for Z467: S25258 and Z447,Z458(xL210)

As posted in the previous posts substream of the J2a-M67 haplogroup other new findings were possible lately. The most substantial refinement of the M67 tree was possible in the Z467 subclade using 8 BigY results, one of them (B1300/YF02101 Ireland) with additional YFull analysis, gre-77 Greek Hallast et al 2014, Sardinian #845 Francalacci et al 2015, 4 Genome of the […]