Rodriguez-Flores et al 2016 Fig. 2 A: Y Chromosome (Chr Y) haplogroup assignments.
Rodriguez-Flores et al 2016 in their study about the ancient Eurasian population split sequenced with a median depth of 37× 108 purportedly unrelated individuals who are citizens of the nation of Qatar. 56 of them are of indigenous Bedouin ancestry who are the best representatives of autochthonous Arabs. Genetically most of them could be placed in three distinct clusters: 60 Q1 (Bedouin), 20 Q2 (Persian-South Asian), and 20 Q3 (African), as well as 8 Q0 (Subpopulation Unassigned).
53 of those have Qataris have Y chromosomes and the Raw data (SRA) is available. The study analysis shows that J2 is present in all three population clusters with a major presence (ca. 1/3) in the Persian-South Asian group. I hope YFull is going to analyze those and include them in their YTree.