
J2-M172 Stats from FTDNA Y-DNA Haplotree (BigY) and YFull YTree

Current subclades (FamilyTreeDNA) and id’s (YFull YTree v11.04.00) analysis. It is biased against customers of Y-clusters or regions of which descendants do more BigY/NGS testing (Ashkenazi/Europe, Northwest Europe, Georgia, Armenia, Rhine/Germans, Arabia, Russia, others Europe, etc.). Most common major subgroups:J2a-L26 73.5%J2a-M67 26.3%J2a-L24 24.8%J2b 20.7%J2a-PF5197 9.1 % Most common (3+%) from the 46 Pre-Chalcolithic J-M172 main sub-haplogroups (defined 2021)J2b-M102>Z529>Z1827>Z593>M241>L283 11.5%J2a-CTS7683>L26>PF5088>PF5160>L24>Z393>L25>Z7700,F3133 11.4%J2a-CTS7683>L26>PF5088>PF5125>Z2227>L558>M67>Z1847>Z7671>CTS3261>CTS6619,Z7661 10.7%J2a-CTS7683>L26>PF5088>PF5160>L24>Z393>L25>Z438 9.2%J2a-CTS7683>L26>PF5088>PF5125>Z2227>L558>M67>Z1847>PF5132>M92 7.1%J2b-M102>Z529>M205 5.3%J2a-CTS7683>L26>PF5088>PF5125>Z2227>Z6065>Y7708>Y7702>M47 4.0%J2a-CTS7683>L26>PF5088>PF5160>L24>Z393>L25>PF4888 3.6%J2a-CTS7683>L26>Z6064>Z6061>Z6057 3.4%J2a-CTS7683>L26>PF5088>PF5160>PF5197>PF5172>Z7314>PF5169>PF5174 3.2%J2a-CTS7683>L26>PF5088>PF5160>PF5197>PF5172>Z7314>PF5169>FGC16096>PH4970,Y14400 3.0% See 

World J2 haplogroup population size 2015

J2 haplogroup population sizes based on currently available data (Wikipedia, Eupedia, FamilyTreeDNA). Asia leads with big population size countries like India and Pakistan. Then the “homeland” Anatolia/Turkey follows. Also important are New World Countries like Brazil and USA where most of the J2 are expected to have Old World origins in Iberia and Italy. In J2 Project@FTDNA the Unknown Origin […]

First Stats based on regrouping in J-Project@FTDNA (1,503 J2 kits). See Google J2-M172_spreadsheet > Stats Main Groups > 2014-01-06 (in order of importance):  J2a1a1b1a1-M67 28.1%, J2a1a1a1-L24 23.5%, J2b2a1-L283 10.7%, J2a1b-Z6046 5.5%, J2a1a1a2-PF5197 5.4%, J2a1a1b-PF5116 (xM67,M319) 4,4%, J2a1a2-Z6055 4.1 %, J2a2-PF5008,L581 3.4%, J2a1a1b1a1-M319 2.7%, J2b1-M205 2.3%, etc.