
Z2444, Y977, Z2432

Refinement for J2b2a-M241 (including L283,Z622,Z2447,Z2444)

Just a short content post about a refinement in the most important J2b subclade. The smaller Z2447,Z2444 Asian subclade (in terms of discovered subclades) can bee seen in the post image. The broader L283,Z622 European subclade state can be downloaded as a PDF. L283, CTS5649, CTS5382, Z622, Z612, Z615, Z616, Z617, Z607, Z638, Z594, Z597, Z592, Z582, Z585, Z587, Z588, […]

Minimal reference J2 phylogeny

The makers of the mtDNA reference phylogeny (Mannis van Oven, et al.) did setup a “minimal reference” for the Y-DNA haplogroups. Team members are in contact with Mannis to achieve an updated and optimized J2-M172 minimal  reference: . Primary goals of www.phylotree.org/Y/: […] optimal  global  discrimination capacity  based  on  a  strongly  reduced  set  that  includes  only  the  most  resolving  Y-SNPs. […]

J2 phylogeny in 1000 Genomes Project

Under the lead of Greg Magoon a group of citizen scientists (including J2-M172 team members Bonnie Schrack and Chris Rottensteiner) were involved in the analysis of a high-resolution a priori maximum parsimony Y-chromosome (“chrY”) phylogeny created from data of 1292 male samples in the 1000 Genomes Project. 63 of those samples are in haplogroup J2-M172 (42 in J2a and 21 […]