This page collects famous members of Y-DNA haplogroup J2 (paternal lineage).
The provisional criteria for inclusion in the list require the fulfillment of the following conditions:
- a) Evidence to be in haplogroup J2: M172+ or positive for a certified downstream SNP or GD<7% to a certified haplotype of the person or a certified relative in the paternal surname lineage.
- b) Evidence of “importance” if one of the following conditions is met:
- Wikipedia article existing at least since 6 months and preferably in english or another language spoken by millions of people;
- In Publications: Mentioned with achievements or resume in scientific publications, especially historical books.
- Mass Media presence: Dedicated multiple coverage in media reaching millions of people.
Famous individuals
- J2-M172:
- J2a-M410,L559
- J2a1-PF4610,CTS7683
- J2a1a-L26/Page55/S57,L27/S396
- J2a1a1-PF5087/CTS1230,PF5088
- J2a1a1a-Z2221/PF5160
- J2a1a1a1-L24/M530/S286
PF5456: A. J. Jacobs (FTDNA kit 331523, Y: Jewish, Galicia) American journalist, author, and lecturer, Global Family Reunion - J2a1a1a2-PF5197/Z2397
- J2a1a1a1-L24/M530/S286
- J2a1a1b-PF5116,PF5125
- J2a1a1b1-Z2227,PF5119
- J2a1a1b1a-L558/PF7408,Z1846
- J2a1a1b1a1-M67/S51
(former J2a1b) Mehmet Oz (Y: Bozkır, S./C. Turkey) surgeon, author, and tv personality - J2a1a1b1a2-Z17181/S11868,Z2255
- J2a1a1b1a2a-M319,Z2253
Nick Donofrio (J2, expected Y: Campania, S.Italy, terminal position according to FTDNA project) former IBM Management
- J2a1a1b1a2a-M319,Z2253
- J2a1a1b1a1-M67/S51
- J2a1a1b1b-Z6065,Z6066
- J2a1a1b1a-L558/PF7408,Z1846
- J2a1a1b1-Z2227,PF5119
- J2a1a1a-Z2221/PF5160
- J2a1a2-Z6056,Z6057
- J2a1a1-PF5087/CTS1230,PF5088
- J2a1b-Z6049
- J2a1a-L26/Page55/S57,L27/S396
- J2a2-PF5008,PF5050
- J2a1-PF4610,CTS7683
- J2b-M12,M102
- J2b1-Z1827/CTS2622, Z2482
- J2b1a-M241
- J2b1a1-L283
- J2b1a2-Z2432,Z2434
- J2b1b-[Z2453, Z2454]
- J2b1a-M241
- J2b2-CTS560,PF7308
- J2b2a-M205
- J2b1-Z1827/CTS2622, Z2482
See also
- Wikipedia haplogroups of notable people
- Famous DNA @ISOGG, @ISOGG Wiki
- Eupedia famous J2 people