YFull Upload: Generate BAM file/link Big Y etc.

Buy Raw Data – Updated Feb. 2022

  • Login to myFTDNA in the FamilyTreeDNA page: www.familytreedna.com/sign-in
  • Visit the Big Y Results: www.familytreedna.com/my/big-y
  • Click on the blue “Buy Raw Data” Button at the top right
  • On the Upgrades Page for Big Y Raw Data (BAM format) to the right of $100USD click “ORDER NOW
  • Proceed to Shopping Cart and click the red “Proceed to Checkout” and pay
  • You need to wait for the listed time (days)
  • If the BAM file is ready a Button “Download Raw Data” will be visible at www.familytreedna.com/my/big-y
  • In the popup windows click “Share BAM” and then
  • With clicking “Copy” you can Copy and Paste the Link/URL
  • Go to the YFull interpretation ($49) Order: www.yfull.com/order/
  • Fill in all the fields, select FTDNA Big Y and paste “Link to a data file (.BAM)“, check agree and click “Order Now!
  • Wait for the Analysis: YTree position usually in days including access to raw data, SNPs and YTree Update including Age estimation can take some weeks, STR Results can take months
  • Payment: with Credit Card after the results are ready, Without payment changes to the YTree will remain online, but the kit ID and results will be hidden until the payment is done.
Buy Raw Data
Share BAM
YFull Order

Version September 2018

  • Login to myFTDNA in the FamilyTreeDNA page: my.familytreedna.com/login.aspx
  • Visit the Big Y-500 – Results: www.familytreedna.com/my/big-y
  • Click on the blue “Download Raw Data” Button at the top right
  • If the green “Generate BAM” is shown click it
    “Your Big Y BAM file is currently being generated.”: you will need to wait some time (days)
  • If the BAM file is ready a Button to create a share link will be visible
    Copy and Paste the Link/URL
  • Go to the YFull interpretation ($49) Order: www.yfull.com/order/
  • Fill in all the fields including “Link to a sharing file” and click “Order Now!
  • Wait for the Analysis: YTree position usually in days including access to raw data, SNPs and YTree Update including Age estimation can take weeks, STR Results can take months
  • Payment: with Credit Card after the results are ready, Without payment changes to the YTree will remain online, but the kit ID and results will be hidden until the payment is done.