Flor Veseli

About Flor Veseli

joined J2-Project team 2016; J-M241 Admin, focus on J2b2-L283 phylogeny (SNP research) and STR clustering; Balkan history; Z1296>PH2967; speaks: Albanian, English, Macedonian; based in Central USA;

Y-SNP analysis of I4331, J2b2a-L283, Bronze Age Croatia – Mathieson et al. 2018

New DNA paper from Mathieson et al. 2018, The Genomic History of Southeastern Europe, gave us ancient DNA data from 225 individuals who lived in southeastern Europe and surroundings. Supplementary information from the paper states one of the sites analyzed was the Veliki Vanik burial mound, which is located near the town of Vrgorac in Split-Dalmatia County, in southern Croatia. […]

New J2b2-Z1297 subclade: Y23094,B440

YFull analysis of kit 447170/YF05542, Sweden BigY BAM file, and Francalacci et al Sardinian samples ERS256808, combined with results from scientific studies (EB-35147 Alban2 and ERR1025614), allowed to discover a new Z1297 subclade: J2b2-Y23094,B440 – parallel (brother) to Z1295: See also: https://www.yfull.com/tree/J-Y23094/ And: http://tree.j2-m172.info/?Hg=J2b2a1a1a1a According to YFull YTree v.4.09, J2b2-Z1297 diversified ca. 4200 ybp and TMRCA of J2b2-Y23094 is ca. 3200 ybp. Predicted Y23094 Y-STR haplotypes […]