
New J2b2-Z1297 subclade: Y23094,B440

YFull analysis of kit 447170/YF05542, Sweden BigY BAM file, and Francalacci et al Sardinian samples ERS256808, combined with results from scientific studies (EB-35147 Alban2 and ERR1025614), allowed to discover a new Z1297 subclade: J2b2-Y23094,B440 – parallel (brother) to Z1295: See also: https://www.yfull.com/tree/J-Y23094/ And: http://tree.j2-m172.info/?Hg=J2b2a1a1a1a According to YFull YTree v.4.09, J2b2-Z1297 diversified ca. 4200 ybp and TMRCA of J2b2-Y23094 is ca. 3200 ybp. Predicted Y23094 Y-STR haplotypes […]