
FTDNA J2 Haplogroups & SNPs September 2015

FTDNA J2 Tree 17th September 2015 edited to show important SNPs from SNP Packs also included in J2-M172 Research Tree simplified Y-DNA Haplotree Created in partnership with Haplogroup J-M172 This lineage originated in the northern portion of the Fertile Crescent where it later spread throughout central Asia, the Mediterranean, and south into India. As with other populations with Mediterranean ancestry […]

Y-chromosome Haplogroup J-M172 subclades update with primary SNPs

Combined J2 Phylogeny from almost all available public and DTC sources. Included are ca. 200 informative subclades (pre Middle Age) as well as more recent haplogroups (low-diversity/Middle Age or Clans/Surnames). The phylogeny is available as Tree with primary SNPs (searchable PDF) and Spreadsheet with details for the selected primary SNPs. This data is an output of the constantly updated online […]

FTDNA J2 Haplogroups & SNPs April 2015

FTDNA J2 Tree 28th April 2015 edited to show important SNP also included in J2-M172 Research Tree simplified Y-DNA Haplotree Created in partnership with Haplogroup J-M172 This lineage originated in the northern portion of the Fertile Crescent where it later spread throughout central Asia, the Mediterranean, and south into India. As with other populations with Mediterranean ancestry this lineage is […]

J2 phylogeny in 1000 Genomes Project

Under the lead of Greg Magoon a group of citizen scientists (including J2-M172 team members Bonnie Schrack and Chris Rottensteiner) were involved in the analysis of a high-resolution a priori maximum parsimony Y-chromosome (“chrY”) phylogeny created from data of 1292 male samples in the 1000 Genomes Project. 63 of those samples are in haplogroup J2-M172 (42 in J2a and 21 […]