Yearly Archives: 2016

new splits for J2a1-Z6064(xZ6063): PH4959>PH4099>Z40055

I was able to analyze BigY SNP files and BigY matches of 410707 Qatar and 422501 Bahrain/Qatar (Iran in image is an error). See I was able to find new haplogroups and defining SNPs: 21649216 A G J2a1a2b PH4856 21826003 C A J2a1a2b PH4959 18931176 A G J2a1a2b1 approx. PH4099 14095703 G T J2a1a2b1 approx. PH890 22735991 T […]

A new J2b2-CTS3617 subclade: Z40052,Z40053

I was able to analyze the BigY SNP file of kit 158595 Balkan/Anatolia. The nearest NGS match is B4848/YF03418 C.Italy. See 3 shared SNPs not found in other samples so far which I have registered with Z-names: 23429009 C T J2b2a1a1b2 Z40052 8539814 G C J2b2a1a1b2 Z40053 16231183 T C J2b2a1a1b2 Z40054 It is suggested to get the […]

Qataris subpopulations (Bedouin, Persian-South Asian, African) harbor J2 haplogroup

Rodriguez-Flores et al 2016 in their study about the ancient Eurasian population split sequenced with a median depth of 37× 108 purportedly unrelated individuals who are citizens of the nation of Qatar. 56 of them are of indigenous Bedouin ancestry who are the best representatives of autochthonous Arabs. Genetically most of them could be placed in three distinct clusters: 60 […]

exogenous Roman era York 3DRIF-26 is J2b1-M205 and likely Middle Easterner

The years 2014 and 2015 did provide useful ancient genomes NGS data in an increasing manner (see ancient J2-M172 genomes). For J2 the year 2016 could not begin more exciting: Martiniano et al published a paper about nine ancient genomes from northern Britain: Genomic signals of migration and continuity in Britain before the Anglo-Saxons. As introduction to the sample of interest […]

J2a-Z6064(xZ6063) confirmed and new split of PH4959,PH4856 (upstream) and PH4099,PH890 (downstream).

See earlier post: J2a-L26* SNP found: Z6064? New seldom clade J2a-PH890 I have done analysis on the new BigY result of 410707 Qatar. He splits the haplogroup so far shared only of 14919/YF03482 Fryer and Pal-5257 Palestinian into PH4959,PH4856 (shared) and PH4099,PH890 (unshared). So the current path from J2a ancestor down to 14919 now is: J2a PF4610>L26>Z6064>PH4959>PH890 See Research tree link […]

Z39600, Z39603: third split under J2a-M319, so far Iberian

Analysis of two BigY SNP reports of FTDNA allowed to refine the M319 subtree. Kit N96398 Pastrana Advincula shares 48 SNPs with an anonymous 1000 Genomes sample from Spain: HG01781. Kit 280709 shares 44 of those SNPs and additionally two more with HG01781 only. I pre-registered the SNPs and defined haplogroups Z39600,Z39603 and Z39632,Z39622. The latter needs confirmation trough more […]