
Z605, M241

Y-SNP analysis of I4331, J2b2a-L283, Bronze Age Croatia – Mathieson et al. 2018

New DNA paper from Mathieson et al. 2018, The Genomic History of Southeastern Europe, gave us ancient DNA data from 225 individuals who lived in southeastern Europe and surroundings. Supplementary information from the paper states one of the sites analyzed was the Veliki Vanik burial mound, which is located near the town of Vrgorac in Split-Dalmatia County, in southern Croatia. […]

Refinement for J2b2a-M241 (including L283,Z622,Z2447,Z2444)

Just a short content post about a refinement in the most important J2b subclade. The smaller Z2447,Z2444 Asian subclade (in terms of discovered subclades) can bee seen in the post image. The broader L283,Z622 European subclade state can be downloaded as a PDF. L283, CTS5649, CTS5382, Z622, Z612, Z615, Z616, Z617, Z607, Z638, Z594, Z597, Z592, Z582, Z585, Z587, Z588, […]

New J2b2-Z1297 subclade: Y23094,B440

YFull analysis of kit 447170/YF05542, Sweden BigY BAM file, and Francalacci et al Sardinian samples ERS256808, combined with results from scientific studies (EB-35147 Alban2 and ERR1025614), allowed to discover a new Z1297 subclade: J2b2-Y23094,B440 – parallel (brother) to Z1295: See also: https://www.yfull.com/tree/J-Y23094/ And: http://tree.j2-m172.info/?Hg=J2b2a1a1a1a According to YFull YTree v.4.09, J2b2-Z1297 diversified ca. 4200 ybp and TMRCA of J2b2-Y23094 is ca. 3200 ybp. Predicted Y23094 Y-STR haplotypes […]

ancient Zagros J2b* Iran (Abdul Hosein, Early Neolithic) – Broushaki et al.

New J2b data from Broushaki et al. 2016 (BAM raw data): AH2 West Iran Early Neolithic (8205–7756 BC): one of three individuals. From Tepe Abdul Hosein located South East of Ganj Dareh in Central Zagros. Broushaki et al. not assigned, Genetiker J2b-M12* Own analysis: J2b-M12(xCTS560,Z620). Coverage is low but ok. Of 40 J2b SNPs 10 had positive (derived) calls and […]

first ancient J2 from Iran (Mesolithic, Copper Age) and Levant (Bronze Age) – Lazaridis et al. first farmers

The dataset of the huge Lazaridis et al. 2016 paper is available for download (Reich Lab, BAM raw data). Great that the authors released the data before formal publication and even before peer review. Those three new study samples have J2 Y-DNA: I1293 North Iran Mesolithic (HotuIIIb): 1.5-2 year old individual. From Hotu Cave located in the foothills of the […]

A new J2b2-CTS3617 subclade: Z40052,Z40053

I was able to analyze the BigY SNP file of kit 158595 Balkan/Anatolia. The nearest NGS match is B4848/YF03418 C.Italy. See http://tree.j2-m172.info/?Hg=J2b2a1a1b http://www.yfull.com/tree/J-Y15058/ 3 shared SNPs not found in other samples so far which I have registered with Z-names: 23429009 C T J2b2a1a1b2 Z40052 8539814 G C J2b2a1a1b2 Z40053 16231183 T C J2b2a1a1b2 Z40054 It is suggested to get the […]

J2b2a1-L283 origins by diversity and subgroups with focus on Jewish lineages

The early Neolithic split of J2b2a-M241 (YFull 9700 ybp) in to the modern western (L283, Balkans) and eastern (Z2444, India) subclades is detected since at least a decade trough testing of the M241 SNP in scientific studies. According to the current YFull L283 samples the lineages expanded sometime earlier then 5200 ybp, while the Asian lineages expanded since 7100 ybp. This […]

J2b-PH1751,PH2967: brother of Z1297

The analysis of Sicilian, Circassian/Abazin and Greek samples revealed this new ISOGG candidate downstream of Z1296/CTS8995 and parallel to Z1297. Little is known about the further distribution but the best matching haplotypes are Albanian/Macedonian, Austrian and one probably from todays Turkey. Z1296 is currently estimated by YFull YTree v3.12 to have diversified ca. 3,800 years ago. The genetic distance between […]

J2b-CTS3617: southern brother of Z638 detected in Balkans and Italy

Two samples uploaded to YFull allowed a more detailed analysis of this clade so far only marginally known. Parallel to Z638,CTS12554 (father of to the known Z1296/CTS8995) this branch seems to be more southern and was not detected so far in Northwest Europe. Basic structure CTS3617, Y15058/Z34462 {Z38240.} PH1602, PH1601 {PH2350, PH502} [PH3514, PH4583] [(306997/YF02051 Bulgaria YFS 11+10-5)] [(ser-13 Serbia […]

Minimal reference J2 phylogeny

The makers of the mtDNA reference phylogeny (Mannis van Oven, et al.) did setup a “minimal reference” for the Y-DNA haplogroups. Team members are in contact with Mannis to achieve an updated and optimized J2-M172 minimal  reference: . Primary goals of www.phylotree.org/Y/: […] optimal  global  discrimination capacity  based  on  a  strongly  reduced  set  that  includes  only  the  most  resolving  Y-SNPs. […]