
Substantial new subgroups for Z467: S25258 and Z447,Z458(xL210)

As posted in the previous posts substream of the J2a-M67 haplogroup other new findings were possible lately. The most substantial refinement of the M67 tree was possible in the Z467 subclade using 8 BigY results, one of them (B1300/YF02101 Ireland) with additional YFull analysis, gre-77 Greek Hallast et al 2014, Sardinian #845 Francalacci et al 2015, 4 Genome of the […]

New M67 subclade Z28551,Z6268 so far Sardinian-Mediterranean

Like already posted in J2a-M67 haplogroup split by Z1847 aka PF5126 higher coverage Francalacci et al 2015 data made a re-analysis possible. One M67* paragroup FTDNA BigY result (kit 143924, possibly with Mediterranean surname origin) not positive for the known M67 subclades Z467, Z500 and Z7671) builds a new M67 sub-haplogroup together with two Sardinians # 846 and 847 (in […]

J2a-M67 haplogroup split by Z1847 aka PF5126

Since some time three Francalacci et al 2013 samples and in J2-M172 Project@FTDNA two BigY tested kits were in the M67* paragroup which means found not positive for the known M67 subclades Z467, Z500 and Z7671. The release of the higher coverage Francalacci et al 2015 data including a recently discovered more detailed substructure of Z467 (Z458 and S25258) and Z7671>S12459 […]

FGC16096 unites L198,L433 and L1064 under PF5169

(UPDATE 2015-05-04: three FGC Wael Y-sequences) Since the first Geno 2.0 results were known for the old J2a4i (L198,L433) and the yet uncertified L1064 clusters, we did know they were PF5169(xPF5174) which means positive for PF5169 and negative for PF5174. Since not many J2 subclades have more then two parallel “brother” subclades I suspected that J2a-L198,L433 and L1064 shared some […]

J2a-L26* SNP found: Z6064? New seldom clade J2a-PH890

First the FTDNA deep clade and then even Geno 2.0 left a considerable part of J2a-L26 kits without downstream haplogroup. In 2013 Y-sequence results first showed that PF5088 unites L24 and M67 together with many other clades substream of L26 and as parallel group J2a-M68 samples from 1000 Genomes Project and Sardinian samples 848-849 (Francalacci et al 2013) allowed the […]

Three J2 found at Merovingian buriel site (Roman-Frankish transitional period)

Thanks to the find of Irakli Akhvlediani with post to the J2 Fb group and the translation of Robert Sanders we gathered this fascinating information. Het Merovingisch grafveld, in: R.C.G.M. Lauwerier & J.W. De Kort 2014: Merovingers in een villa 2. Romeinse villa en Merovingisch grafveld Borgharen – Pasestraat. Onderzoek 2012. Amersfoort (Rapportage Archeologische Monumentenzorg 222), 211-220. Robert: The people […]

J2a-Z6049: finally more substructure in this old J2a* clade

I worked trough the evidence for this old J2a clade for ISOGG certification and found new structure: http://tree.j2-m172.info/?Hg=J2a1b Z6049 is equivalent to S18476/SK2198. A new subclade is SK1312 for whom so far all Georgian BigY are positive: 270352, 259005, 258936 Since Z6048 has no coverage in BigY we have to wait until FTDNA is able to complete the BigY of […]

Ancient Y-DNA discussion: no J2a in pre-Bronze Europe?

UPDATE 10 November 2014: The publication of DNA data from Neolithic to Iron Age Hungary did make a revision of this article necessary, as the sample BR2 (ca. 3,200 years old) was found to be positive for J2a-M67-CTS3261 (Kandell T.). His autosomal analysis lets suspect that he descends mainly from Western ancestors with no near connections to Anatolia Caucasus or […]

Minimal reference J2 phylogeny

The makers of the mtDNA reference phylogeny (Mannis van Oven, et al.) did setup a “minimal reference” for the Y-DNA haplogroups. Team members are in contact with Mannis to achieve an updated and optimized J2-M172 minimal  reference: . Primary goals of www.phylotree.org/Y/: […] optimal  global  discrimination capacity  based  on  a  strongly  reduced  set  that  includes  only  the  most  resolving  Y-SNPs. […]

J2 phylogeny in 1000 Genomes Project

Under the lead of Greg Magoon a group of citizen scientists (including J2-M172 team members Bonnie Schrack and Chris Rottensteiner) were involved in the analysis of a high-resolution a priori maximum parsimony Y-chromosome (“chrY”) phylogeny created from data of 1292 male samples in the 1000 Genomes Project. 63 of those samples are in haplogroup J2-M172 (42 in J2a and 21 […]