Bekada et al 2015 have published their paper “Genetic Heterogeneity in Algerian Human Populations”. In the present Algerian study only one J2a -M410 was found in North-west Oran1. Combined with earlier studies 8 J2 samples out of 305 total (Y-STR19 haplotypes + major Y-SNPs, S1 Table). By comparison there are 54 J1-M267 samples. IMHO another puzzle piece making early J2 expansion over Northwest Africa to Iberia/Europe unlikely. Other routes seem to be better expansion vectors.
J2a-Z6064(xZ6063) confirmed and new split of PH4959,PH4856 (upstream) and PH4099,PH890 (downstream).
See earlier post: J2a-L26* SNP found: Z6064? New seldom clade J2a-PH890 I have done analysis on the new BigY result of 410707 Qatar. He splits the haplogroup so far shared only of 14919/YF03482 Fryer and Pal-5257 Palestinian into PH4959,PH4856 (shared) and PH4099,PH890 (unshared). So the current path from J2a ancestor down to 14919 now is: J2a PF4610>L26>Z6064>PH4959>PH890 See Research tree link […]