
J2a-Z6048: refinement in the no-Caucasus J2a* clade

Recent new NextGenSequence results being derived/positive for J2a-Z6048 (old J2a* and without considerable Caucasus presence like the brother SK1321/Y12622) allowed a substantial improvement of the phylogeny. See also tree.j2-m172.info/?Hg=J2a1b1, yfull.com/tree/J-Z6050/ Wim Penninx helped by filtering reliable combBED area SNPs from the two Punjab samples. The YFull raw-data analysis of the Sardinian samples is the only way to reconstruct satisfyingly reliable […]

J2a1-PF7413(xPF7415): refinement and new subclade Z40257, Z40258 1

In spring 2015 the articles J2a-L26* SNP found: Z6064? New seldom clade J2a-PH890 and Structure for the J2a-SK1363 clade (including Montgomery, etc. clusters) explained the knowledge about the so far mainly European Z35789, Z35788 subclade. The Montgomery Ireland/Scotland Kits 182443/YF02153, 37060 had known BigY results then. Kit N63471/YF03987 Hunt England later allowed to split the tree into Z35789, Z35788 > […]

J2a1-PF5172(xPF5169): third NGS available and new subclade Z40014,Z40015

J2a1-PF5172,PF5190 seems a very old haplogroup: YFull YTree v4.3 J-PF5172 estimates the TMRCA to 14,300 years. In May 2015 the first upload of a J2a1-PF5172(xPF5169) NGS result to YFull (BigY 217812/YF03340 Armenia) allowed to compare the novel YFS SNPs with the tur-7 Turkey (Hallast et al 2014) sample as well as get the above stated time estimate. The comparison resulted in […]

J2a1-S15439,L198: M419 NGS available and new subclade Z40067,Z40068 1

Since almost a year ago (see FGC16096 unites L198,L433 and L1064 under PF5169) it was known that FGC16096>L433>M419 and that S15439 and other equivalent SNPs were shared by 192731/YF03103 and two Dutch men (GoNL project). During the Christmas sale it was possible to fund one NGS BigY testing for the M419 sample (271420 Lieb Germany) thanks to the donors in […]

new splits for J2a1-Z6064(xZ6063): PH4959>PH4099>Z40055

I was able to analyze BigY SNP files and BigY matches of 410707 Qatar and 422501 Bahrain/Qatar (Iran in image is an error). See http://tree.j2-m172.info/?Hg=J2a1a2b http://www.yfull.com/tree/J-Z6064/ I was able to find new haplogroups and defining SNPs: 21649216 A G J2a1a2b PH4856 21826003 C A J2a1a2b PH4959 18931176 A G J2a1a2b1 approx. PH4099 14095703 G T J2a1a2b1 approx. PH890 22735991 T […]

J2a-Z6064(xZ6063) confirmed and new split of PH4959,PH4856 (upstream) and PH4099,PH890 (downstream).

See earlier post: J2a-L26* SNP found: Z6064? New seldom clade J2a-PH890 I have done analysis on the new BigY result of 410707 Qatar. He splits the haplogroup so far shared only of 14919/YF03482 Fryer and Pal-5257 Palestinian into PH4959,PH4856 (shared) and PH4099,PH890 (unshared). So the current path from J2a ancestor down to 14919 now is: J2a PF4610>L26>Z6064>PH4959>PH890 See Research tree link […]

Z39600, Z39603: third split under J2a-M319, so far Iberian

Analysis of two BigY SNP reports of FTDNA allowed to refine the M319 subtree. Kit N96398 Pastrana Advincula shares 48 SNPs with an anonymous 1000 Genomes sample from Spain: HG01781. Kit 280709 shares 44 of those SNPs and additionally two more with HG01781 only. I pre-registered the SNPs and defined haplogroups Z39600,Z39603 and Z39632,Z39622. The latter needs confirmation trough more […]

More terminal position of former J2a-L26* Cluster F*

Position found trough a Y-STR67 match not in the J2 project being J-Y7708: J2a-L26>PF5087>PF5116>Z2227>Z6065>Y7708>Z39478?(xM47,P81) One of the last bigger haplotype clusters existing at the begin of 2013 (before Geno 2.0) has found an informative place. See one of my earliest studies figshare.com/articles/J2a_M410_subclades_and_clusters_overview/106387 Thanks to the early J2 haplotype cluster researchers Bonnie Schrack​, Angela Cone​, wo did the founding grouping. Surnames […]

J2a-Z6065: still much to discover for M47, P81, Z7532, etc.

Z6065 was first discovered in the 1000 Genomes Project data by Magoon et al 2013 in three Punjabi samples, one of them M47. In May 2014 the FGC Y-Elite result of KVRKP S.Italy allowed to discover a further split defined by the SNPs Z7532, FGC15782/Y13893, etc. and of the subclade Z7553, Z7503 shared only by two of the Punjabi samples. […]

Structure for the J2a-SK1363 clade (including Montgomery, etc. clusters)

Not all finds are entirely new: it was certified since 2014 that (now) SK1363 members share upstream haplogroups Z6060,Z6059 and Z6057,Z6056 with one of the oldest known J2a haplogroups: M68 (so far very seldom in the DTC-field) also thanks to the data of sample 295681/YF02117 Netherlands. In an earlier post the Z6064 split immediately below L26 and upstream of Z6060,Z6059 […]