
Y chromosome haplogroup J2 (J-M172) research: variation, distribution, frequency. Y-DNA paternal ancestry.

J2b-M205>PH4306: a little substructure for this isolated lineage

The diversification of J2b into M205,CTS560,PF7316 and the brother Z575,CTS2622/Z1827 seems to have happened a long time ago (YTree v3.12 16200 ybp) while the diversification of M205 was possibly only 5600 ybp. So this seems a long time of isolation without expansions if no so far undetected splits do exist. Using data from Hallast et al 2014 and Estonian Biocentre / […]

J2b-PH1751,PH2967: brother of Z1297

The analysis of Sicilian, Circassian/Abazin and Greek samples revealed this new ISOGG candidate downstream of Z1296/CTS8995 and parallel to Z1297. Little is known about the further distribution but the best matching haplotypes are Albanian/Macedonian, Austrian and one probably from todays Turkey. Z1296 is currently estimated by YFull YTree v3.12 to have diversified ca. 3,800 years ago. The genetic distance between […]

J2b-CTS3617: southern brother of Z638 detected in Balkans and Italy

Two samples uploaded to YFull allowed a more detailed analysis of this clade so far only marginally known. Parallel to Z638,CTS12554 (father of to the known Z1296/CTS8995) this branch seems to be more southern and was not detected so far in Northwest Europe. Basic structure CTS3617, Y15058/Z34462 {Z38240.} PH1602, PH1601 {PH2350, PH502} [PH3514, PH4583] [(306997/YF02051 Bulgaria YFS 11+10-5)] [(ser-13 Serbia […]

J2a2-PH3085,SK1403: Ancient Altai, modern Uygur and Turkish

The huge Allentoft et al. 2015 research with low-coverage genomes from 101 ancient humans from across Eurasia included two males from Altai Iron Age (900 BC to 1000 AD) in the same J2a2 haplogroup (see Altai archaeology). Even more intriguing is that the ancient genomes share unique Y-SNPs with two modern samples: one Uygur and one Turkish, currently best named […]

Y-chromosome Haplogroup J-M172 subclades update with primary SNPs

Combined J2 Phylogeny from almost all available public and DTC sources. Included are ca. 200 informative subclades (pre Middle Age) as well as more recent haplogroups (low-diversity/Middle Age or Clans/Surnames). The phylogeny is available as Tree with primary SNPs (searchable PDF) and Spreadsheet with details for the selected primary SNPs. This data is an output of the constantly updated online […]

Structure for the J2a-SK1363 clade (including Montgomery, etc. clusters)

Not all finds are entirely new: it was certified since 2014 that (now) SK1363 members share upstream haplogroups Z6060,Z6059 and Z6057,Z6056 with one of the oldest known J2a haplogroups: M68 (so far very seldom in the DTC-field) also thanks to the data of sample 295681/YF02117 Netherlands. In an earlier post the Z6064 split immediately below L26 and upstream of Z6060,Z6059 […]

Substantial new subgroups for Z467: S25258 and Z447,Z458(xL210)

As posted in the previous posts substream of the J2a-M67 haplogroup other new findings were possible lately. The most substantial refinement of the M67 tree was possible in the Z467 subclade using 8 BigY results, one of them (B1300/YF02101 Ireland) with additional YFull analysis, gre-77 Greek Hallast et al 2014, Sardinian #845 Francalacci et al 2015, 4 Genome of the […]

New M67 subclade Z28551,Z6268 so far Sardinian-Mediterranean

Like already posted in J2a-M67 haplogroup split by Z1847 aka PF5126 higher coverage Francalacci et al 2015 data made a re-analysis possible. One M67* paragroup FTDNA BigY result (kit 143924, possibly with Mediterranean surname origin) not positive for the known M67 subclades Z467, Z500 and Z7671) builds a new M67 sub-haplogroup together with two Sardinians # 846 and 847 (in […]

J2a-M67 haplogroup split by Z1847 aka PF5126

Since some time three Francalacci et al 2013 samples and in J2-M172 Project@FTDNA two BigY tested kits were in the M67* paragroup which means found not positive for the known M67 subclades Z467, Z500 and Z7671. The release of the higher coverage Francalacci et al 2015 data including a recently discovered more detailed substructure of Z467 (Z458 and S25258) and Z7671>S12459 […]

World J2 haplogroup population size 2015

J2 haplogroup population sizes based on currently available data (Wikipedia, Eupedia, FamilyTreeDNA). Asia leads with big population size countries like India and Pakistan. Then the “homeland” Anatolia/Turkey follows. Also important are New World Countries like Brazil and USA where most of the J2 are expected to have Old World origins in Iberia and Italy. In J2 Project@FTDNA the Unknown Origin […]